Thursday 29 May 2014


Hello and welcome to apples and abs! I am a 19 year old based in the uk on the path to finding the best diet possible for me! After much research and reading-much to the despair of my bank balance- I am a strong advocate of the high raw,  high carb vegan diet! However, through trial and error I have come to find the finer details of this lifestyle can vary greatly from person to permon. To juice or not to juice? Food combinations? 2000 calories or 4000 calories? More fruit or more veggies? How much, if any cooked foods?

I am certain that finding the correct way to fuel your body is the biggest step into achieving the best you can be. So I will be posting about my progress and discoveries on my journey as well as lots of yummy high raw recipes and tips and tricks on getting affordable produce and storing it.

I am also starting up with cycling and weight lifting so I will be posting about my fitness and gains and how having a plant based diet affects that.